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The British Show Pony Society was founded in 1949 with the aim to protect and improve showing of children’s ponies. This now includes children’s riding ponies, show hunter ponies, working hunter ponies and mountain & moorland ponies.

Our aim is to provide our members with a selection of shows, training days and social events throughout the year to give children in our area the opportunity to compete, progress and enjoy their ponies at whatever level they choose.

We currently hold two winter shows in February for both flat and working hunter ponies, two in April with Royal International qualifiers for a range of flat classes and Working Hunter pony classes and a Championship Show with a wide range of classes including HOYS Qualifiers. For further details please see our shows page.

In addition to this we also run a points scheme where area members can collect points throughout the year with an awards presentation held at our annual party in January. Forms can be downloaded from our Points page.

BSPS Wales is run by a group of volunteer committee members that enable these events to take place. We are always grateful for any volunteers willing to help set up and assist on show days.

We are always pleased to hear from our members with their successes at shows. Please send any pictures and news to us via our facebook page

New members are always very welcome and encouraged. Please contact any committee member for further details if you would like to join the BSPS or our area.

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